As you may have heard, we are creating a new item card for Pixel Lincoln: Re-Election that is 100% created by the people. So far, we've received a whole bunch of cool ideas and now it's time to vote on which one to move forward with. Come by and vote on your favorite. Details below!
You know what Pixel Lincoln loves? DEMOCRACY. The power to put choice into the hands of The People - in other words, you - seeing what they want and doing his very best to achieve that. And now you're getting the power to decide on a Custom Item that will be included in the game. But what do you need to do? Simple:
1. Go here -->
2. Choose your favourite THREE possibilities and remember to click the magical 'Finish' button.
3. Ummmm...
4. That's it!
When the vote closes in a few days, the number one choice will be revealed and included in the final print of the game. Make the 16-bit President happier than ever before and exercise your right to vote TODAY!
Here's an idea of where we are right now:
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